United Way of the Southern Tier and Corning Incorporated teamed up to provide school supplies to new kindergarten registrants in the Elmira City School District. Corning Incorporated employees in...
It’s easy to participate and for every photo you donate, Johnson & Johnson will give $1.00 to United Way to ensure that every child starts school on the right path!
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On Friday, June 16th United Way of the Southern Tier rallied over 350 volunteers throughout the community for Day of Action, an annual event that mobilizes the caring power of volunteers to make a...
All proceeds from this tournament will benefit United Way of the Southern Tier, one of the region’s largest charitable organizations dedicated to supporting early childhood education and...
Change doesn't happen alone. Hope isn't a one-man band. There's no such thing as self-taught or self-made. We have one life and one community. To live better, we must live United!