we need your help
Thank you for choosing to support United Way! You can choose to give in a few different ways:
Donate Online
United Way of the Southern Tier is committed to helping our community. Follow the link below to review the fund options for online giving.
Planned, Memorials, and Honorariums
Do you have a family member or friend who has always been extraordinarily special to you? Making a gift to United Way of the Southern Tier in their name is a unique way to remember and honor them.
You can commemorate this special person through a memorial gift in these two ways:
A Memory Gift is given in someone's memory, and is often given in lieu of flowers after a loved one passes away.
An Honorary Gift is given in someone's honor, to show an appreciation for an individual's continuing strong commitment to United Way.
Most memorial and honorary gifts are received as cash contributions, usually by personal check. Charitable gifts made from cash are tax deductible and convenient for the donor. An acknowledgment letter is sent to the person/family, letting them know of your gift without disclosing the amount.
By making a Memory Gift or an Honorary Gift, a special person whose relationship is important to you is remembered or honored according to your wishes. It is an enduring way to show how much you care.
Make a Memory Gift or an Honorary Gift
For more information about making a gift, contact Steve Hughes, President and CEO, by email or phone: (607) 377-5828.